A Message from Floyd Marinescu, Founder of UBI Works

 …the government announced an emergency basic income of $2,000/month over the next 4 months for Canadians who lost income as a result of the crisis.

…The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) is a single, unified program for nearly all Canadians whose incomes were affected by this crisis. It is designed to be simple, fast and streamlined - all features we asked for.

This was in no small part because in the intervening week, every MP in the country was receiving daily emails from you, telling them that their initial response was not enough to cover the immediate needs of Canadians. Despite calls for one time payments, our argument for the security of a recurring payment prevailed.

Because of you, the government realized that the basic income model is the quickest most efficient way to get cash into the hands of Canadians who need it.  

Watch Floyd Marinescu from UBI Works speak about the petition for a Basic Income

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UBI Work, Founder, Floyd Marinescu

What if the CERB did not end in 4 months? 

In 1944 the government introduced the Family Allowance as a temporary measure. 76 year later we still have it, renamed: Canada Child Benefit. In 2020 the government introduced the CERB as a temporary measure. Together we can ensure this too won't be temporary. 

What if everyone received it? 

It would actually stimulate the economy - people who weren’t able to spend the money necessary to ensure their basic needs would be able to.

What if you already had it?

We wouldn’t have seen weeks of stalled response and decision-making. We would have received help immediately. The effects on business and families wouldn’t have been nearly as bad. 

Our pledge is to continue to work to make these possibilities a reality. In the coming weeks and months, we will need all the help we can get to make that so. Please share the video above and join our Facebook group here

Together we can make sure every Canadian is prepared to meet the challenges of the coming months and years. 

Check our letter writing page for actions you can take.