BICN and COVID-19. Petition successful and stopped! See Canada’s COVID-19 Emergency Basic Income

Friend --

Given the extraordinary circumstances COVID-19 has placed upon people, many of whom do not have the resources to manage the crisis, organizations in Canada and elsewhere are putting forward petitions to government to provide a basic income on an emergency basis. This is urgent, and our Prime Minister needs to hear our voices now—this is no time to quibble over details. 

Some petitions are attached here and you may find others launching too. Please give them your support and pass them on to everyone you know. 

In solidarity, 

Sheila Regehr, Chair, BICN

To ensure that we can all confidently follow the public health measures that this pandemic demands - look after ill family members, purchase vital healthcare supplies, and provide childcare -UBI Works calls on the federal government to institute an emergency basic income.

UBI Works - Send a Letter to you MP calling for an Emergency Basic Income

To get in touch with BICN please contact our General Manager, Ben Earle by email at

Also, Check our letter writing campaign