You can make a difference

Have a conversation about Basic Income with your neighbours or friend—it raises awareness and spreads the word. Ask us to give a presentation for your community group. Sign onto our e-mail list. These are all simple, actions that are not too time consuming and can be the first step to a better society for us all.

Look at the suggestions we have listed below. See if there is any action you can identify with and join us in becoming part of a movement to eradicate poverty


Your donation will help us advocate, educate, and collaborate to implement a Basic income for Nova Scotians and all Canadians. One activity your donation will support is our annual basic income conference featuring international experts.


Join Us

There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Join the Basic Income Nova Scotia Society. We will add you to our e-mail list to be kept informed and participate in meetings.

Invite Us to Give a Presentation or Workshop

Write us to ask us to do a presentation or a workshop on the topic of Basic Income. Just fill in this general form and send to us and we will get in touch to discuss details.


Write a Letter to Politicians

Inform your Member of the Legislature (MLA), Member of Parliament (MP), Senator that we need a Basic Income. Simply copy the letter, customize it as you wish and send by e-mail or personally drop off at their Constituency Office.